Let there be light.

Engine works. Button passes it’s value to the LED, and the LED checks it’s value and lights up.  The potential question now, is is my current mechanism for pinging the connection a bottleneck? I mean it is, but how bad of one.  Right now, Connections are kept in an array in the Workspace.  Connections have two modules as properties moduleA and moduleB.  So, when the button is pressed, it first has to find all the connections where moduleA is the button, then pass moduleA’s value to moduleB’s engine.  The more modules I have the slower this process will be obviously, but how fast will it reach critical mass. I will probably need to devise some benchmarking. Anyway…

This movie requires Flash Player 9

Posted in AS3

2 Replies to “Let there be light.”

  1. This is very pretty, particularly the switch. I love how the switch looks like a real momentary pushbutton. Could the LED look like a real LED?

    I suppose that something like a slide control or potentiometer (dial/knob) would be more difficult (if only because of the # of image states).

    Have you investigated how Yuh-Jye broadcasts changed data?

    Matt was looking on Facebook for someone versed in PHP.

  2. Well, I was thinking about that. I could make components look like real components, but I like the uniformity of squares. I think that other guy’s electronic simulator looked a little messy, plus it’s harder to code if the input output areas are all over the place.

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